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Jane Voll


Jane accepts clients on a individual basis. Please contact her directly at

Jane has a body-based, multi-cultural orientation to psychospiritual wellness. Her person-centered, humanistic and integrative practice includes solution-focused, mindfulness-based, cognitive-behavioral, somatic, narrative, psychodynamic and transpersonal approaches to supporting clients. Her background includes working with individuals and groups to foster wellness, trauma healing and recovery.  

Jane is a Registered Psychotherapist. She holds a Masters Degree in Counselling and Spiritual Care, with additional certifications in Focusing (CFP, New York) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Facilitation (CMS, Toronto). Jane is an advanced-training practitioner in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and a Reiki practitioner (Usui lineage).  She has also trained in spiritually-integrated therapy with the Canadian Association of Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituels (CASC/ACSS) providers, as a meditation guide with the Shambhala Centre in Toronto, and in multi-cultural wellness and trauma healing with the global non-profit organization Capacitar.  

226-667-6767 x 204

Jane Voll
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